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Communities for Sustainable Heating and Cooling
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About the Alliance

We are a non-partisan, volunteer group that promotes clean heating and cooling solutions for homes in Massachusetts

Today, most households in Massachusetts burn fuel oil, natural gas, or propane to keep their residences warm in the winter and generate hot water. This fossil fuel consumption is responsible for roughly 20% of the state’s carbon emissions, which are widely known to be the principal cause of climate change.

The main pathway to decarbonizing homes is to replace heating systems and water heaters that burn fossil fuels with heat pumps that are powered by electricity from renewable sources, such as wind and solar. Heat pumps offer additional benefits as well, such as energy cost savings, more safety, and greater comfort. Just as important, they provide efficient cooling in addition to heating.  

The HeatSmart Alliance came together to help Massachusetts residents make the transition to these efficient and climate-forward heating and cooling systems. We work one-on-one with residents to explain how heat pumps operate and address any concerns they might have about installing these appliances in their homes.  We also provide a forum for climate leaders to learn about heat pumps and share our experience as owners of these devices ourselves.  We engage with heat pump installers, manufacturers, and other organizations that are working to accelerate household electrification.

Our members present at dozens of local events each year. We pioneered a heat pump coaching program that’s staffed by volunteers, and have helped more than a dozen communities start energy coaching programs of their own.

While we began with a handful of volunteers in 2020, we now have 127 members from 55 cities and towns in Massachusetts. We welcome members from out-of-state.

Dots on the map below indicate cities and towns where our Massachusetts members live. Click on a dot for more details.

Logo HeatSmart Alliance
We promote the adoption of energy-efficient heat pumps in Massachusetts.
Support Us!
The HeatSmart Alliance operates as a registered, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by virtue of our relationship with the Home Energy Efficiency Team, Inc. (HEET). Donations are tax deductible. Help us increase our impact!
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