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Communities for Sustainable Heating and Cooling
Home » Volunteers

Volunteer Opportunities

Do you want to learn more about the HeatSmart Alliance, or help us promote energy-efficient heat pumps? We would love to hear from you! There are many ways you can participate

Attend a Monthly Meeting

We hold monthly meetings via Zoom in which we report our progress and feature speakers from like-minded groups and businesses. Monthly meetings are open to all and a great way to get to know us better!

Join the Alliance

To access our resources and participate in our activities, become a member. It's easy and there's no cost

Working Groups

We meet monthly, but the real work gets done in working groups and through ad hoc collaboration. We welcome Alliance members and encourage you to take part!

Become a Volunteer Coach

Volunteer coaches provide one-on-one guidance to homeowners who are considering changing their heating and cooling systems to heat pumps. Helping friends, neighbors and others in your community convert to this energy-efficient technology can be very gratifying!

Resources for Volunteer Heat Pump Coaches and Advocates

Our resources for volunteer coaches include our Coaching Model, a standard liability waiver, a homeowner questionnaire and follow-up surveys, as well as a Heat Load Analysis tool. Energy coaches not affiliated with the Alliance may use these resources too, at no cost
What Others Say

Being a volunteer heat pump coach is great! It’s been a way to get involved in my community and help address climate change. And the folks I work with really appreciate getting some impartial support as they consider their heat pump options.

Mark R.
Volunteer Heat Pump Coach, Natick, MA
Logo HeatSmart Alliance
We promote the adoption of energy-efficient heat pumps in Massachusetts.
Support Us!
The HeatSmart Alliance operates as a registered, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by virtue of our relationship with the Home Energy Efficiency Team, Inc. (HEET). Donations are tax deductible. Help us increase our impact!
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