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Communities for Sustainable Heating and Cooling
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Coaching Principles

These principles guide our coaches’ behavior and actions for the benefit of clients, coaches and the HeatSmart Alliance.

HeatSmart Alliance coaches…

  • Conduct themselves professionally
    Coaches respond to clients in a timely manner; are clear and respectful; set clear expectations on actions they’ll take (and when) and follow through; disengage if a client is disrespectful.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest
    Coaches do not accept favors, gifts or payments from clients, or from installers or organizations that could benefit financially from the sale or installation of heating/cooling equipment
  • Try to understand and respect a client’s values and priorities
    Coaches learn about client priorities from discussions and questionnaires and use that information to guide how they will help them
  • Enable clients to reach their own decisions without making decisions for them
    Coaches help clients learn enough about the process of installing a heat pump and their options that they will feel confident making decisions on their own, including selecting an installer and equipment. Coaches provide information, suggest options, and questions for installers, and may help with evaluating quotes
  • Are objective and factual about installers, brands, and equipment
    When discussing installers, brands, or equipment, coaches state the basis for their knowledge and avoid strong negative or positive language or guidance
  • Set realistic expectations about comfort, cost and impact on GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions
    Coaches are clear about uncertainties relative to projections of cost and/or GHG emissions
  • Know their limits; Strive for continuous learning and improvement
    Coaches approach every engagement as a learning opportunity. They are forthright when they don’t know something and seek help when needed
  • Take satisfaction from their coaching
    Coaches enjoy helping others lower their carbon footprints. They always appreciate verbal gratitude.
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We promote the adoption of energy-efficient heat pumps in Massachusetts.
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